
Conference Paper: Peer Reviewed

Inflatable Architecture Production with Cable-Driven Robots

by Fung E. and Crolla K.

ABSTRACT | This paper presents a design-methodological case study that looks into the practical expansion of conventional conceptual architectural design media by incorporating contemporary technology of motion capture. It discusses challenges of integrating dance movement as a real-time input parameter for architectural design that aims at translating body motion into space. The paper consists of four parts, beginning with a historic background overview of scientists, physiologists, artists, choreographers, and architects who have attempted capturing body motion and turning the motion into space. The second part of the paper discusses the iterative development of the ‘Dance Machine’ as a methodological tool for the integration of motion capture into conceptual architectural design. Thirdly, the paper discusses tested design applications of the ‘Dance Machine’ by looking at two sited applications. Finally, the overall methodology is critically assessed and discussed in the light of continuous development of creative applications of motion capturing technology. The paper concludes by highlighting the architectural potential found in specific qualities of dance and by advocating for a broader palette of tools, techniques, and input methods for the conceptual design of architecture.

KEYWORDS | Cable-driven Robots; In-situ Robotic Fabrication; Large-scale Fabrication; Inflatable Architecture; Cross-disciplinarity

CITATION | Fung, Enrica and Crolla, Kristof. “Choreographed Architecture – Body-Spatial Exploration”. in T. Fukuda, W. Huang, P. Janssen, K. Crolla, S. Alhadidi (eds.), Learning, Adapting and Prototyping – Proceedings of the 23rd CAADRIA Conference – Volume 1, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 17-19 May 2018, pp. 101-110